Houslay DM, Anderson KE, Chessa T, Kulkarni S, Fritsch R, Downward J, Backer JM, Stephens LR, Hawkins PT
Class I phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) catalyze production of the lipid messenger phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3), which plays a central role in a complex signaling network regulating cell growth, survival, and movement. This network is overactivated in cancer and inflammation, and there is interest in determining the PI3K catalytic subunit (p110伪, p110尾, p110纬, or p110未) that should be targeted in different therapeutic contexts. Previous studies have defined unique regulatory inputs for p110尾, including direct interaction with G尾纬 subunits, Rac, and Rab5. We generated mice with knock-in mutations of p110尾 that selectively blocked the interaction with G尾纬 and investigated its contribution to the PI3K isoform dependency of receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) and G protein (heterotrimeric guanine nucleotide-binding protein)-coupled receptor (GPCR) responses in primary macrophages and neutrophils. We discovered a unique role for p110尾 in supporting synergistic PIP3 formation in response to the coactivation of macrophages by macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and the complement protein C5a. In contrast, we found partially redundant roles for p110伪, p110尾, and p110未 downstream of M-CSF alone and a nonredundant role for p110纬 downstream of C5a alone. This role for p110尾 completely depended on direct interaction with G尾纬, suggesting that p110尾 transduces GPCR signals in the context of coincident activation by an RTK. The p110尾-G尾纬 interaction was also required for neutrophils to generate reactive oxygen species in response to the Fc纬 receptor-dependent recognition of immune complexes and for their 尾2 integrin-mediated adhesion to fibrinogen or poly-RGD+, directly implicating heterotrimeric G proteins in these two responses.
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Science signaling, PMID: 27531651