Key points:
From today, the Institute’s website has a fresh look and feel. The update aligns with core goals of ensuring accurate, open and transparent communication, engaging multiple stakeholders to share our science and impacts in other areas, such as knowledge exchange, public engagement and equality and diversity.
Here we share five things we love about the new site and invite you to dive in and explore the site, sharing any feedback with comms@babraham.ac.uk.
People are at the heart of the Institute’s community, and often referenced as one of the things that makes the 'Babraham difference'. The expanded People directory provides a platform for staff and students to be visible through the website.
For the work undertaken at the Institute, including by researchers and technical specialists that undertake the Institute's science, the route from idea to project to impact is a long one that requires, and benefits from, support from a number of different teams and individuals along the way.
2. New fresh look
We all know about the importance of space, allowing better engagement and room to absorb and make sense of what's in front of us. By moving the website’s colour pallet to a more unified theme based around its brand colours, the new design enhances the site’s visual appearance and giving a bit more room to everything hopefully makes it easier to engage with our content.
This is a great starting point for exploring everything you want to know.
3. New navigation
Separated across Research & Facilities, Work & Study, News & Events, About Us and Discover & Learn, a new themed menu allows you to quickly find the content you need.
4. Improving accessibility
As part of the website revamp the Institute is working towards better accessibility performance with a commitment to continue this into the future. If you have comments about the website’s usability or have encountered any barriers to accessing content, please get in touch with the Institute’s Communications team on comms@babraham.ac.uk.
5. A ‘one stop shop’ feature
A new allows you to get up to speed at a glance, whether it’s finding out about the latest news, blog posts or research publications, taking a look at upcoming seminars, exploring current vacancies or checking out highlighted video content.
Enjoy exploring and welcome to the new site from everyone at the Institute.
Contact: Dr Louisa Wood, Head of Communications, louisa.wood@babraham.ac.uk
Image description: Website image composite
23 May 2022